Thursday 24 January 2013

Feedback from my Module Proposal

In December I had to hand in a proposal of what I was going to do for this module and what my ideas consisted of, also what I intended to do for my final images.  Here below shows a small copy of the proposal I gave in. In this proposal I mentioned ideas that I have put onto this blog at the start and how my ideas started by working with Nude's.  I talk about how my ideas from Nude changed into linking dance with the body (all ideas mentioned in previous posts).  I also mention ideas about making a theme of 'Elements' Air, Water, Earth & Fire in which I embarked on a lot of research into, only to find that it wasn't really fitting into my original ideas of dance and the body. 

The worst part of this proposal is that there were so many mixed ideas and not really a set idea, this is due to it being right at the start of the module and shows my journey on to how I came to my final ideas.  I have had a lot of changes since handing in my proposal and there are many things that I would like to change.  I have had my whole initial ideas kept the same but have finalised what will be my outcome. 

After the Christmas break I received an e-mail feedback from my proposal and what my Tutor thinks about my ideas and what I should do to improve it.  Here is a copy of the feedback, so that I can look back on this blog post and see what I needed to do to improve and add to my research. 
My Tutor has mentioned some helpful advise on what I can do to improve the project and I will bullet point the important notes to take from this...

O  The first thing mentioned is how it is an interesting area to work with. 
O  Inter-linking with my Mixed Media project could help to create a portfolio for the future. 
O  I need to think about a title because it will make a big impact on how the project is read. 
O  The general area is good but I need to refine MY visual Style.
O  I need to refine and narrow down the research I am looking at, so there is a theme. 
O  Find an exact path to follow and stick by ideas relevant to that particular idea. 
O  Read about the 'Body' (which I have now done on the blog post before this!!) 
O  Buy the linked book: "The Body in Contemporary Art"
O  All ideas can work, I just need to think of what best fits with what I am trying to communicate. 
O  Think about my Mixed Media ideas of 'the thoughts of the dancer'. 
O  Think about the commercial/fashion side and research into it a lot. 
O  Make sure technical side of things is thought about in depth. 
O  Plan plenty of shoots and re-shoots to get it right. 
O Get shooting my ideas !!!

With all of these bullet points to work from I need to get up-to-date with all of my ideas in my head to show my main idea and what I think my outcome will be. 

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